
Statistics Of Car Accidents

These statistics show you the big picture in traffic accidents. They will help everybody to understand why we should consider that car safety, pedestrian safety, and traffic safety are very important. We should follow all the experts advices, and be more careful when we are on the streets.

Fatalities In Car Accidents Per Country

----------Year---U.S.---Peru---Total Cars U.S.---Total Cars Peru----------

  • 1,998--41,501--3,323--- 215,496,003----------N/A
  • 1,999--41,717--3,214---220,461,056----------1,114,191
  • 2,000--41,945--3,118---225,821,241----------N/A
  • 2,001--42,196--3,208---235,331,382----------1,209,006
  • 2,002--43,005--2,929---234,624,135----------N/A
  • 2,003--42,884--2,856---236,760,033----------1,290,471
  • 2,004--42,836--3,166---243,010,549----------N/A

-------Year---Cars Per Fatality U.S.---Cars Per Fatality Peru-------

  • 1,998----5,193--------------------N/A
  • 1,999----5,285--------------------347
  • 2,000----5,384--------------------N/A
  • 2,001----5,577--------------------377
  • 2,002----5,456--------------------N/A
  • 2,003----5,521--------------------452
  • 2,004----5,673--------------------N/A

As you can see, despite the bigger number of fatalities in the U.S. It is doing better in traffic safety than Peru, because the number of cars per fatality is much higher than in Peru. Approximately, there is one fatality every 5,500 cars in the U.S. And in Peru there is one fatality every 390 cars. Anyway, 42,000 fatalities in car accidents per year in the U.S. is a lot. Remember, always drive safely, and be a good pedestrian.

Statistics provided by The Bureau Of Transportation Statistics, www.Car-Accidents.com, Statistics Office Of The Peruvian National Police, Statistics Office Of The Health Sector In Peru.


Common Sense For Night Driving

This picture was taken in a main avenue in Lima, Peru. You can see a big truck with no back lights and without proper signs. The truck is also overloaded; It is carrying too much stuff. The driver of this vehicle is putting himself and the drivers around him in danger because of the lack of back lights and proper signs such as reflective tapes. The truck can cause an accident specially at night because of lack of visibility. Remember to always have your car or truck in good condition for night driving. Always check your lights.
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