
Teaching Traffic Safety To Kids. Teach Them

The other day I saw a video on CNN about teaching young kids traffic safety. The Police and Firemen were teaching them in a practical manner. The kids drove go-karts in a small circuit with all the traffic signs, stop lights, and policemen. They taught the kids security features, like how to walk on the streets and how to cross them. Also the firemen taught the kids what to do in emergency situations. It was great for them. By teaching traffic safety to kids, they will be more aware of dangerous situations on the streets, and They will know how to react to emergencies. Also They will become excellent drivers in the future and will obey all traffic safety laws. It is great that the Police and the Fire Department do this kind of work. The following video is an example of how police departments can help to avoid traffic accidents.

The following is a Japanese video that shows dangerous situations on the streets to kids, and what not to do, and how to protect themselves.

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